Slow Stock Clearance Rate Impacts PV Price Trend
PV stock clearance is nearly ending. Industry demands continued to increase in April and May this year, but orders for J.. [more]
2014-04-26 2:11
PV Mono-Si Cell Demand May Increase Due to Bridged Price Gaps
Impacted by recent market demand changes and narrowing price gaps, mono-si cell demand may increase in 2Q14, analyzed Energ.. [more]
2014-04-18 1:35
Changes Within PV Market Leads to Lowered Prices in 2Q14
Recent changes in the PV market have led to China’s waning demands at the end of March 2014, while further observa.. [more]
2014-04-11 0:16
Significant Drop in PV Price Quotes Puts More Pressure onto Wafer Manufacturers
Recent wafer spot price reflected a downtrend. Price quotes for high-efficiency multi-si wafer dropped from US$1.04-1.05/.. [more]
2014-04-04 2:11
Wafer Price Decreases Due to Season Pre-Load and Weaker Demand
Recent changes in spot market trends have led to substantial decline in PV products trading prices. Price quotes for polys.. [more]
2014-03-29 20:16
Japan’s Lowered PV Feed-in Tariff May Cause ROI Decrease 3-5%
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced it will lower PV Feed-in Tariff (FiT) i.. [more]
2014-03-25 2:28
PV Spot Price May Increase in Q2 Due to Process Delay on US-China Anti-dumping and Countervailing Investigation
The US Department of Commerce announced on March, 11th that the anti-subsidy initial judgment for certain Chinese cryst.. [more]
2014-03-17 17:20
Policies and Incentives Boost Australia’s Large-Scale Power Plant Demand
The renewable energy market rapidly grows in Australia due to the recent policies and incentives. However, the economic rec.. [more]
2014-03-08 19:15