Japan Solar Makers to Look for Investment Partners as Japan Plans to Cancel Certain FIT Certifications for Solar Plant Facilities
The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) announced on June 17th the withdrawal of FIT.. [more]
2014-07-04 22:07
SolarCity Completes Supply Chain Strategy with Silevo Acquisition
SolarCity recently acquired Silevo, a maker of high-efficiency solar modules. SolarCity has also merged with Zep Solar.. [more]
2014-06-27 4:13
Taiwanese Manufacturers Tread Carefully When Expanding PV Module Capacity
Recently, Taiwanese cell manufacturers’ capacity utilization has dropped because of the countervailing duty (CVD) a.. [more]
2014-06-20 17:44
Utilization Rates to Drop by the End of June, Long-Term Demand may Increase After Anti-Dumping Preliminary Verdict Announcements
Impacted by the surprising initial verdict on unfair subsidies for Chinese solar panels announced by the U.S. Department .. [more]
2014-06-13 19:53
US to Impose High Tariffs on Chinese PV Products, Taiwanese Manufacturers May Benefit
The U.S. Department of Commerce announced to impose countervailing duties (CVD) on certain Chinese PV cells and mod.. [more]
2014-06-06 17:13
PV Manufacturers Focus on Strategy Deployment as Downstream Market Demand Continues to Increase
Demand in the China’s Distributed PV market continues to increase, which caused manufacturers to come up with solutions .. [more]
2014-05-31 2:16
Stronger Demand to Mono-si Drives Capacity Expansions
High-performance products stand an important position at SNEC 2014. Adding the fact that cell manufacturers have starte.. [more]
2014-05-28 22:56
Stronger Market Demand May Sustain PV Silicon Wafer’s Prices in 2Q
Market demands to PV silicon wafers may remain stable as many manufacturers have reported growing monthly revenues. Meanwh.. [more]
2014-05-16 2:00