Taiwanese PV Cell Makers Set a New Shipment Record of Over 10GW
Due to increases in both shipments and conversion efficiency, Taiwanese PV cell makers experienced a record shipment growt.. [more]
2015-02-06 0:29
Taiwanese PV Makers to Establish More Overseas Markets under US’s Punitive Duties
The final determination of the US’s anti-dumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) duties against certain Chinese a.. [more]
2015-01-31 0:51
Japan Announces Revision of Renewable Energy FIT
The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) of Japan recently presents a revised draft for Feed-in Tariff (.. [more]
2015-01-23 0:49
Costs, Intensive Sunlight, and Policies Lead to High Potential for MENA Solar Market
The MENA region is widely recognized as a high potential solar market, and 2015’s first solar-related exhibition .. [more]
2015-01-17 2:01
TrendForce is Optimistic about 2015 Market for Lithium Cell as Q4 in 2014 Shows Moderate Price Fall
The overall demand for lithium batteries for the 2014 cycle was steady despite some turbulences. The first half of the year .. [more]
2015-01-13 2:29
Prices Will Remain Flat for Downstream Sectors of Solar Energy before the Chinese New Year
The overall PV market price in the first quarter of 2015 will remain constant until the end of the Chinese New Ye.. [more]
2015-01-09 1:59
Rational Expand Production Capacity in 2015, Bigger Solar Players Set to Continue Market Domination
The global demand is expected to reach 51.4GW in 2015, with an annual demand growth rate of 16.5% and an increased installa.. [more]
2014-12-26 17:42
Weekly Spot Price
The uncertainties from the US-China trade war will continue until the final determination is announced officially next Ja.. [more]
2014-12-19 22:59