Domestic PV Demand in China Boosts after the 2015 SNEC Convention
At this year’s SNEC tradeshow, many PV module manufacturers and PV system developers focused on prompting the.. [more]
2015-05-08 2:07
Water Scarcity Issue in Taiwan Boosts Local PV Cell Production Costs
Water scarcity issue in Taiwan has begun to affect some of the local cell manufacturers. If cell manufacturers decid.. [more]
2015-04-17 1:48
EnergyTrend Anticipates Declines in PV Prices to End in Q2 as Demands in China Return
A recent study by the International Energy Agency states that the Asia-Pacific region ranks in first place in the.. [more]
2015-04-10 6:46
Trend of PV Products’ Spot Prices Remains Flat
During this week, the PV supply chain performed a wait-and-see attitude like previous weeks, and the trend of spot p.. [more]
2015-04-03 7:02
PV Prices Continue Dropping Due to Weak Demand and Surplus Supply
The first quarter of 2015 is coming to the end, yet spot prices of PV products have been dropping for almost three m.. [more]
2015-03-28 0:36
PV Prices to Stabilize Following NEA’s Announcement of 17.8GW Installation Target in China, Expects EnergyTrend
China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) announced on March 16 that it has revised the country’s overall .. [more]
2015-03-20 22:26
High-Efficiency PV Module Export Ratio Increases Following Booming Demand
PV demand has started to increase this month, according to EnergyTrend’s observation. End-market demand for hig.. [more]
2015-03-13 2:01
Power Battery and Energy Storage System to Take Center Stage in 2015
The rise of the urban population in different countries stimulates energy demand day by day. Overall cylindrical battery dem.. [more]
2015-03-10 2:23