Price Trend: Polysilicon Price Drops Worldwide While the Future Demand Remains Unclear
2019-11-28 16:59

This week, the overall market sentiment was the same as last week. The inventory level of the upstream polysilicon has gradually increased, which put the manufacturers under pressure to reduce prices. There was no change in wafers’ routine end-of-month average contract price. 

Image by seagul from Pixabay

However, the downstream links were still reluctant to restock. Although the price drop of PV cells and modules was slightly stabilized, it was still difficult to improve the existing market sentiment without seeing future demand. In the upcoming month, there is less likelihood of much hype by the end of this year. The industry insiders can only hope that the trend in the first quarter of next year would be similar to this year, which is good enough news for the overall industry.


This week was the last week of the month, where most of the polysilicon purchase contracts for next month were being signed and the new prices negotiated. Regardless of the product category or regional markets, the prices were more or less revised downward. In addition to the fact that the market demand was weaker than expected, the rise of the overall inventory level was also one of the factors affecting the price trend. In comparison with mono-grade polysilicon, the price of polysilicon was dropping at an alarming rate. There is, by estimation, little reason to be optimistic until the end of this year.

In the overseas market, the range of the price revision is 8.81 ~ 9.43USD / KG. The average price is lowered to 9.06USD / KG. The global average price is lowered to 8.78USD / KG. In the domestic market, the range of the mono-grade polysilicon price revision is 71 ~ 76RMB / KG. The average price is lowered to 73RMB / KG. The range of polysilicon price revision is 55 ~ 60RMB / KG. The average price is lowered to 58RMB / KG.


The price trend of wafers this week was the same as that of last week. The price of mono-Si wafers managed to stay stable. Regarding the multi-Si wafers, the speed of inventory digestion was still slow, the market demand weak. As a result, the inventory level of multi-Si wafers has shown limited improvement, which could not inspire the smaller manufacturers to stop the price competition. Although the utilization rate has been reduced below 50%, the prices have yet to be stabilized.

In the overseas market, the range of the multi-Si wafer price revision is 0.218 ~ 0.220USD / Pc. The price of the black silicon products remains unchanged at 0.256USD / Pc. The price range of the 156.75mm mono-Si wafers remains unchanged at 0.380 ~ 0.423USD / Pc. The price range of the large size wafers (158.75mm) remains unchanged at 0.430 ~ 0.455USD / Pc. The price of the wafers with the size of 161.75mm and above remains unchanged at 0.460USD / Pc.

In the domestic market, the range of the 156.75mm multi-Si wafer price revision is 1.73 ~ 1.78RMB / Pc. The price of black silicon products remains unchanged at 2.03RMB / Pc. The price range of the cast-mono wafers remains unchanged at 2.65 ~ 2.68RMB / Pc. The price range of the 156.75mm mono-Si wafers remains unchanged at 2.98 ~ 3.15RMB / Pc. The price range of the large size wafers (158.75mm) remains unchanged at 3.30 ~ 3.37RMB / Pc. The price of the 166.75mm wafers remains unchanged at 3.47RMB / Pc.

PV Cells

This week, the price plunge of PV cells seemed to have come to an end. Actually, there was little improvement in the market. The inventory level of multi-Si products continued to rise. Despite the fact that the small and medium-sized manufacturers have shut down the production for more than a month, the multi-Si products were still slow to sell. Manufacturers with both mono- and multi-Si production lines tried to reduce inventory levels by bundle selling their mono- and multi-Si products together with limited success. Some top-tier manufacturers who were low on cash also suspended their production. The industry insiders were no longer looking forward to December, which is supposed to be the peak season. They are hoping that the business might pick up in 2020.

In the overseas market, the range of the general multi-Si cell price revision is 0.082 ~ 0.110USD / W. The average price remains unchanged at 0.086USD / W. The price range of the general mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.102 ~ 0.107USD / W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.112 ~ 0.133USD / W. The price range of the superior high-efficiency mono-Si cells (>21.7%) remains unchanged at 0.115 ~ 0.168USD / W.

In the domestic market, the range of the general multi-Si cell price revision is 0.65 ~ 0.71RMB / W. The average price is lowered to 0.68RMB / W. The price of the high-efficiency multi-Si cells is lowered to 0.73RMB / W. The price range of the general mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.80 ~ 0.85RMB. / W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si cells remains unchanged at 0.87 ~ 0.95RMB / W. The range of the superior high-efficiency mono-Si cell (>21.7%) price revision is 0.93 ~ 0.98RMB / W. The price of the bifacial superior high-efficiency mono-Si cells (21.7%) was revised down to 1.00 RMB / W.


The module market price was still stable this week. The prices of individual products were adjusted according to the offered prices in different regions and the actual market demand. Given that the market demand was still weak, it is estimated that the future price trend will be less than optimistic.

In the overseas market, the range of the general multi-Si (270-275W) price revision is 0.199 ~ 0.235USD / W. The average price is lowered to 0.200USD / W. The price range of the high-efficiency multi-Si (280-285W) remains unchanged at 0.210 ~ 0.220USD / W. The range of the general mono-Si (290-295W) price revision is 0.208 ~ 0.235. USD / W. The average price is lowered to 0.209USD / W. The range of the high-efficiency mono-Si (300-310W) price revision is 0.298 ~ 0.405USD / W. The average price remains unchanged at 0.315USD / W. The price range of the superior-high efficiency mono-Si (>310W) remains unchanged at 0.233 ~ 0.385USD / W. The average price is lowered to 0.274USD / W.

In the domestic market, the range of the general multi-Si (270W~275W) price revision is 1.58 ~ 1.70RMB / W. The average price remains unchanged at 1.68RMB / W. The range of the high-efficiency multi-Si (280-285W) price revision is 1.69 ~ 1.75RMB / W. The average price is lowered to 1.73RMB / W. The price range of the general mono-Si (290W~295W) remains unchanged at 1.65 ~ 1.70RMB / W. The price range of the high-efficiency mono-Si (300-310W) remains unchanged at 1.72 ~ 1.80RMB / W. The average price is raised to 1.77RMB / W. The price range of the superior-high efficiency mono-Si (>310W) remains unchanged at 1.78 ~ 1.84RMB / W. 

Tags:polysilicon , PV cell