TrendForce: SNEC Exhibition Kicks Off, Major Makers United on Cost Optimization
The SNEC International Solar and PV Conference & Exhibition, in session from May 16 to 18, is taking up all 17.. [more]
2012-05-18 1:53
TrendForce: European Solar Market Outlook to Stay Murky
Recent elections in Europe ushered in uncertainty for the solar market, and the new subsidy policies to take effect in 2H12.. [more]
2012-05-10 18:31
TrendForce: Polarization in the Polysilicon Industry – Survival of the Fittest
The month of April brought many changes for the global polysilicon industry. According to EnergyTrend, a research divisio.. [more]
2012-05-03 19:43
EnergyTrend: Polysilicon Price Continues to Fall, May Reach US$20/kg in 2012
According to EnergyTrend, a research division of TrendForce, polysilicon spot price is closing in on major vendors’ manu.. [more]
2012-04-30 20:55
TrendForce: Solar Prices Remain Low Despite Italian Market Demand Recovery
According to EnergyTrend, a research division of TrendForce, German market demand is relatively weak. On the Italian m.. [more]
2012-04-19 22:42
EnergyTrend: Lesson Learned, Solar Manufacturers No Longer Slashing Price to Bring In Orders
According to EnergyTrend, a research division of TrendForce, slowed demand on the German market, the uncertainty towards.. [more]
2012-04-12 18:26
EnergyTrend: Effect of Apple Craze Extends to Lithium Polymer Batteries, Scale Causes Price Reduction
Apple’s new iPad has arrived, and its influence on end market and component part product price is gradually taking effect. .. [more]
2012-04-10 19:20
EnergyTrend: Solar Prices Plummet in Past Two Weeks, Manufacturers on the Defense
According to EnergyTrend, a research division of TrendForce, solar PV market demand has plummeted recently due to the p.. [more]
2012-04-06 2:43