Polysilicon Price Rises Slightly, While Inventory Levels Continue to Be Revised Downwards across the Supply Chain: Price Trend
Besides upstream polysilicon price, which has started to change, prices for the rest of the supply chain remained at the same.. [more]
2018-04-12 23:50
PV Market Bounces Back; Price in Each Sector Will Start Increasing in April: Price Trend
This week, price trend became stable. Both polysilicon and PV cell quotes bounced back; owing to inventory digestion and m.. [more]
2018-03-30 1:39
Restocking Trend Is Observed in the End Market; Prices Vary in Each Sector: Price Trend
The 630 installation rush of Chinese market started to stimulate the restocking demands from some dealers. Yet, owing to th.. [more]
2018-03-23 1:31
Decrease of Polysilicon Material Price Slows down, yet Multi-Si Wafer Price Continues to Drop: Price Trend
In February, price reduction on the supply chain resulted from the weak demand on end market. Yet, the market rebounded in .. [more]
2018-03-16 0:40
Decrease of Prices in the Supply Chain Becomes Slow; Polysilicon Manufacturers Start to Prepare Maintenance Schedule: Price Trend
The sluggish market before Chinese New Year has caused a decrease in price in each sector of the supply chain. Aft.. [more]
2018-03-09 1:48
Polysilicon Price Decreases Rapidly in the First Week after Chinese New Year; Mono-Si and Multi-Si Wafers Restart the Fight: Price Trend
Prices of the first week after Chinese New Year generally dropped. Besides, the price trend of polysilicon gained most of.. [more]
2018-03-06 22:59
Demand Increases Due to Stocking up before Lunar New Year, Making Prices of Si-Wafer and PV Cell Become Stable: Price Trend
With the Lunar New Year around the corner, Chinese manufacturers for each sector had shut down their productions last wee.. [more]
2018-02-23 23:59
Si-Wafer Price Decreases Again; Market Condition will Improve after Chinese New Year: Price Trend
The decrease of prices for PV cell and si-wafer in January was quite large. Many medium and small manufactur.. [more]
2018-02-09 2:00