Module Prices Manifest Differentiation amidst Overall Stabilized Industry Chain Prices
Polysilicon had temporarily slowed down in inflation this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-S.. [more]
2022-09-22 23:50
Polysilicon Scarcity Not Altered by Growth in Supply; Various Segments of Industry Chain Marginally Risen in Utilization during September
Polysilicon prices maintained a minor inflation trend this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si.. [more]
2022-09-16 0:16
Polysilicon Output Likely to Grow by 20% in September as Industry Chain Gradually Recovers after Sichuan Concludes Power Restrictions
Polysilicon prices continued to rise marginally this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense.. [more]
2022-09-01 23:38
Power Restrictions Prolonged; Module Prices Temporarily Deprived of Space for Reduction with Imminent Arrival of Installation and Stocking Rush in Q4
Polysilicon prices continued to marginally rise this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense.. [more]
2022-08-25 23:48
Sichuan’s Power Restrictions Affect Output of Polysilicon and Cells; Smaller Price Impact Seen from Non-Centralized Order Signing Period
Polysilicon prices had marginally risen this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si dense material.. [more]
2022-08-18 23:09
Bargaining between Modules and Cells Persists; Overall Industry Chain Prices Stabilize Except Polysilicon
Polysilicon prices continued to rise marginally this week, where mono-Si compound feedings and mono-Si d.. [more]
2022-08-12 0:00
Polysilicon Persists in Inflation; Films and Backplanes Marginally Dropped in Prices Due to Lowered Module Utilization
This week’s polysilicon prices saw a return to the inflation trend, where the mainstream concluded price has .. [more]
2022-08-05 2:56
Downstream Prices Surge Successively amidst No Available Polysilicon Stocks
This week’s polysilicon prices had leveled to that of last week, where mono-Si dense materials and mono-Si .. [more]
2022-07-28 23:14