The increase in polysilicon expansion is smaller than the reduction in maintenance, and the market price continues to approach the bottom
2024-06-20 12:29

This week, the price of polysilicon N-type rod silicon and n-type granular silicon fell slightly. The transaction price range of n-type rod silicon was 39,000-43,000 yuan/ton, and the average transaction price was 40,100 yuan/ton, down 1.72% month-on-month. The transaction price range of P-type dense material was 34,000-39,000 yuan/ton, and the average transaction price was 36,900 yuan/ton, which was flat month-on-month. The transaction price range of n-type granular silicon was 36,000-37,000 yuan/ton, and the average transaction price was 36,500 yuan/ton, down 0.54% month-on-month.

This week, there were 3 transactions for N-type, and there were basically no separate transactions for P-type. Recently, due to the low utilization rate of downstream polysilicon companies, polysilicon companies have not shipped well in the early stage, and the price of large N-type rod silicon manufacturers has remained around 40,000 yuan/mt, but some of the previous orders have been slightly adjusted. The sales pressure of some enterprises in the process of reducing and stopping production has eased, and they basically no longer choose to make concessions. In order to ensure the stable number of signed orders, some enterprises in production have adopted a dual distribution model, which has avoided the risk of market prices falling again to a certain extent. At present, polysilicon prices have broken through the cost line of all manufacturers and are gradually approaching the bottom. Because the polysilicon production has been significantly reduced, the supply reduction is still lower than expected. Wafer utilization rates continue to remain low, and there is no large-scale stockpiling. From the perspective of supply and demand, polysilicon prices have not yet bottomed out,. But the cost inversion has further intensified, so polysilicon prices are infinitely close to the bottom.

As of this week, the number of domestic polysilicon production enterprises is 19, and the number of enterprises that have begun to overhaul and stop production remains at 15. The orderly release of new production capacity this month, coupled with the maintenance and production reduction of other enterprises, has little impact on the total domestic supply. Overall, the production schedule for June is still maintained at about 150,000 tons.

