IKEA’s Future Columbus Store will be Covered by Solar Array
IKEA announced plans to install solar panels atop its future Columbus store opening Summer 2017. Panel installat.. [more]
2016-12-02 0:23
Azure Power Starts Construction on 100MW PV Power Plant in Andhra Pradesh
Azure Power, a solar power producer in India, has announced that it has started the construction of its 100MW solar power.. [more]
2016-12-02 0:21
SPI Energy to Build 10MW of DG Solar Systems in Southeastern China
SPI Energy, a clean energy provider for business, residential, government and utility customers and investors, announced t.. [more]
2016-12-02 0:14
Over 600MW! The World’s Largest Solar Power Plant is in India
Scales of solar power systems seem to go polarizing as the demands to small-scale residential systems and to ultra-lar.. [more]
2016-12-01 2:31
Alliance of Leading Japanese Solar Companies Builds a 14.5MW Hyogo PV Project
A new solar power plant have been completed in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. An enterprise established jointly by Kyoc.. [more]
2016-12-01 2:02
The Port of Long Beach Starts Providing Solar Carport Service
The Port of Long Beach is doing its part to contribute to a sustainable environment with the installation of a 904.. [more]
2016-12-01 1:37
TOSHIBA to Prompt Hydrogen Economy by Designing Solar-Integrated Demo House
Toshiba Corporation has broken ground on a new Hydrogen Application Center at its Fuchu Complex in western Tokyo. Sc.. [more]
2016-12-01 1:25
Panasonic Affiliate Completes 34MW Solar Power Plant in California
Coronal Energy, powered by Panasonic, today announced that Coronal Tulare, a 34 MWac (44.2 MWdc) solar energy .. [more]
2016-12-01 1:11