The Port of Long Beach Starts Providing Solar Carport Service
The Port of Long Beach is doing its part to contribute to a sustainable environment with the installation of a 904.. [more]
2016-12-01 1:37
TOSHIBA to Prompt Hydrogen Economy by Designing Solar-Integrated Demo House
Toshiba Corporation has broken ground on a new Hydrogen Application Center at its Fuchu Complex in western Tokyo. Sc.. [more]
2016-12-01 1:25
Panasonic Affiliate Completes 34MW Solar Power Plant in California
Coronal Energy, powered by Panasonic, today announced that Coronal Tulare, a 34 MWac (44.2 MWdc) solar energy .. [more]
2016-12-01 1:11
JA Solar Starts Construction for its PV Wafer and Cell Plants in Vietnam
JA Solar is expanding its production lines in Vietnam. On November 29th 2016, the company announced to begin the constr.. [more]
2016-12-01 0:09
Russian Billionaire Announces to Invest Into Renewable Energy
Inteco Beteiligungs GmbH, an Austrian company owned by Russian billionaire businesswoman and philanthropist Yele.. [more]
2016-12-01 0:03
Taiwan Power, Taiwan Water Companies Team up to Build Floating PV Plants
Taiwan’s Executive Yuan announced earlier that they will go over all the public space and find the place that’s suitabl.. [more]
2016-11-30 1:49
Chinese Manufacturer Selected for Europe’s Largest PV Plant EPC
The largest PV plant in Europe is expected to be built in Portugal, with the capacity reaching 221MW upon completion. .. [more]
2016-11-29 23:23
PV Demand in Japan Keeps Falling Except Large-scale Projects
Japan’s solar market keeps shrinking. Japan Photovoltaic Energy Association (JPEA) has announced statistics to Jap.. [more]
2016-11-29 2:19