Energy storage battery exports are growing explosively
2024-06-27 17:46

The latest data shows that in May, the export volume of power batteries was 9.8 GWh, a year-on-year decrease of 13.1%, and the export volume of other batteries (mainly energy storage batteries) reached 4GWh, a year-on-year increase of 664%. The export of energy storage batteries has ushered in explosive growth, and many lithium battery companies have signed large overseas orders. Industry insiders pointed out that the cost advantage of my country's energy storage battery products can effectively offset the impact of overseas tariff policies. At present, various lithium battery companies are further improving their supply chain management capabilities.

At the first lithium battery conference held by EVE Energy recently, Liu Jincheng, chairman of EVE Energy, announced that EVE Energy's energy storage battery shipments have reached the second place in the world. It is currently building a production base in Malaysia, and the energy storage factory will achieve mass production by the end of next year.

Energy storage batteries continue to be hot overseas. Since the beginning of this year, many lithium battery manufacturers including CATL, Envision Energy Storage, BYD Energy Storage, and REPT BATTERO Energy have won new overseas orders or new projects.

According to the "White Paper on the Development of China's New Energy Storage Industry" released by EESA, the global energy storage market will have a new installed capacity of 103.5GWh in 2023, which has exceeded the historical cumulative scale of global energy storage installed capacity of 101GWh. The special report "Batteries and Safe Energy Transition" released by the International Energy Agency in April predicts that the global installed battery energy storage system will increase from 86GW in 2023 to 1,200GW in 2030.

In the new energy storage market, lithium battery manufacturers have an inherent advantage. Xu Yan, secretary-general of the China Automotive Power Battery Industry Innovation Alliance, pointed out that the global energy transition is a major opportunity for battery transformation, and it can be clearly stated that battery energy storage is currently the most important energy storage method. An insider of a lithium battery company told reporters that the continued advantages in the field of new energy vehicle power batteries have made China's energy storage battery products popular overseas. "Due to its higher safety and economy, lithium iron phosphate has gradually occupied a dominant position in the global energy storage market, and China has always been in a leading position in the field of lithium iron phosphate batteries." The person said.

Energy storage business has become a new growth point for lithium battery manufacturers. According to the annual report data of lithium battery manufacturer  Sunwoda, the company's energy storage system business achieved a growth of 144% in 2023. Liang Rui, vice president of Sunwoda, said in an interview with reporters that the layout of new energy storage is to contribute to sustainable development, and it is also to meet the expectations of investors and the market for the company. "You can't say that if you have a certain rice bowl, you only eat this meal. You have to prepare the second rice bowl in advance." Liang Rui said.

Europe and the United States are the main export destinations for my country's energy storage batteries. Recently, the White House issued a statement saying that it would increase tariffs on power batteries and non-automotive lithium batteries from 7.5% to 25%. Among them, non-power batteries, including energy storage batteries, were postponed to 2026, giving a two-year buffer period.

How will the cost advantage be maintained in the future? Liu Jincheng said that low-cost competition is one of the company's development strategies. The company must have the ability to manage product costs. In addition to technology and manufacturing efficiency, the management ability of the supply chain is crucial. It is reported that EVE Energy will cooperate with Daimler Trucks, Paccar and Cummins to establish a battery cell factory in the United States. EVE Energy will provide technical licenses for the joint venture factory, and the joint venture will build battery production capacity. This cooperation method is called the CLS global cooperative operation model by Liu Jincheng.


Tags:energy storage , lithium battery