EVE: 400Wh/Kg All-Solid State Battery to be Launched in 2028
2024-06-19 17:57

On June 18, EVE disclosed the all-solid-state battery development plan.

The development of lithium battery technology is making significant progress in a number of areas. The gel state technology has been applied to electronic cigarettes, while the polymer technology route has developed ultra-thin soft pack batteries. These products are gradually industrialized.

In the field of power batteries, EVE has chosen the sulfide and halide composite solid-state electrolyte technology route to address the challenges of controlling the manufacturing environment, homogeneous mixing of the electrolyte and the active substance, cladding, and choosing the right binder.

EVE's all-solid-state battery plan has two processes. It is expected to realize a breakthrough in the production process in 2026, launching an all-solid-state battery with high power, high environmental tolerance and absolute safety, which is mainly used in the field of hybrid power. Further the company plan to launch an all-solid-state battery with high specific energy of 400Wh/Kg in 2028.

We hope to accelerate the development of the Internet of Everything with this ultra-long-life, all-solid-state battery that is unlimited in all scenarios.

According to TrendForce, at present, China's power battery industry is actively laying out the solid state battery technology. EVE, CATL, BYD, Gotion and other enterprises have announced their solid state battery development plan.

At the CIBF2024 Advanced Battery Frontier Technology Symposium on April 28, Wu Kai, the chief scientist of CATL, revealed that the R&D of CATL' all-solid-state batteries is currently at a 4-point technology level, and it plans to raise it to a 7-8-point level by 2027, when it will be able to be produced in small batches, even though the large-batch production may still face challenges such as cost.

BYD's Fodi Battery has also shown positive momentum. According to Voltaplus, BYD plans to produce all-solid-state batteries in small batches in 2027, with the first batch going to BYD's premium models, which are expected to be about 1,000 units in size. BYD expects a rollout period by 2030, when about 40,000 vehicles will be loaded with all-solid-state batteries, and that number is expected to increase to 120,000 by 2033, with market share gradually increasing.

Gotion released the Goldstone battery with all-solid-state battery technology at the Technology Conference on May 17, and its battery energy density reached 350 Wh/kg, which is more than 40% higher than that of the traditional liquid lithium ternary battery. Gotion's all-solid-state battery is scheduled for small-volume on-board experiments in 2027. If the tests go well, it is expected to realize mass production in 2030 with the gradual establishment of the industrial chain.

Overall, power battery companies in China are actively promoting the development of solid-state battery technology through technological innovation and industrial layout, with a view to occupying a favorable position in the future battery market.

Source: TrendForce

Tags:battery , power battery