Taiwan's First Offshore Wind Farm Ready to Go on Line
2019-11-18 9:30

The offshore wind farm off the coast of Miaoli County in northwestern Taiwan has been completed and is poised for grid connection, marking a milestone for the nation's wind-power development.

The wind farm, dubbed Formosa 1and featuring 120 MW of capacity, will be Taiwan's first offshore wind farm in commercial operation. The installation of the wind farm's 20 wind turbines were completed on Oct. 9, following five months of engineering works.

Shen Jong-chin, the government’s economics minister, assured that Taiwan will have a sufficient supply of low-cost green power to meet the needs of the local people and industries. The completion of Formosa I underscores the developer's technological capability in overcoming the challenges of the rigorous oceanic conditions for the engineering works. 

(Photo courtesy of TechNews)

Tags:wind farm