China's NEA: By 2030, Non-Fossil Fuel Power Generation Will Occupy 50% of Total Power Generation
2017-12-15 14:40

During the second summit of China's EV Charging Services, Exchange Batteries & Innovation, on December 9, Liu Pao-hua, deputy director general of China's National Energy Administration (NEA), expressed that the use of fossil energy will gradually drop. Within about 10 years, China's clean energy installations will surpass that of coal generated power.

 Liu pointed out that in recent years, global clean energy has developed quite significantly. Two-thirds of newly-added power installations are clean energy. Currently, China's clean energy installations have reached 660 million kW. Fossil-fuel power installation has come to more than 900 kW. Natural gas generated power arrived at more than 70 million kW.

Liu explained that in the near future, clean energy will play the leading role of power consumption in China.

By 2020, the control objective for China's coal generated power installations is 1 billion kW. By 2030, non-fossil fuel power generation will occupy 50% of total power generation.

 Clean energy includes nuclear power and renewable energy. According to statistics of China's NEA, the utilization rate of renewable energy in China and its installation scale has kept rising. During the first three quarters in 2017, the power installation of all types of newly-added renewable energy reached 63 million kW, which accounts for about 67% of all newly-added power installations. Meanwhile, compared to the previous quarter, the overall degree of wind power being curtailed in China dropped by 6.7 percentage points, whereas the overall rate of PV electricity being "abandoned" fell by 3.8 percentage points.
