Neah Power Systems Wins US DOE Grant for Lithium Metal Battery
2016-08-25 15:52

Neah Power Systems, Inc. a provider of high density rechargeable lithium metal battery storage solutions for defense, commercial, and consumer applications, is pleased to announce that it won a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy through the Small Business Vouchers Pilot Program.

The NEAH PowerChip® Battery is the first battery to be made with high volume capable microchip manufacturing technology in semiconductor facilities (foundries) throughout the world. NEAH and numerous electrochemical engineers worldwide envision this new NEAH Battery architecture as transformative as it will change the way batteries are made, used and perform. The proprietary architecture of the PowerChip® Battery brings batteries into the microchip era, using the same manufacturing technologies that made television sets, cell phones, laptops and a variety of devices more compact with superior performance at lower cost. While initially targeted for consumer oriented applications, the battery technology could be used for automotive and defense applications as well.

Dr. Chris D'Couto, President & CEO of NEAH said, "We look forward to working closely with Argonne National Laboratory, which is uniquely qualified to characterize the performance metrics associated with our unique battery architecture. This unique 3D architecture using lithium metal anodes enables more than five times the performance of batteries in production today.  We at NEAH believe that the characterization of the battery by Argonne National Laboratory will further enhance the performance and manufacturability of the battery. It will also help us understand the most critical electrochemical reactions. This DOE/Argonne relationship will provide advanced technology learnings, leapfrogging what would be possible in a privately held laboratory.

Tags:lithium battery