SFCE Signs Strategic Cooperation Agreement with CGN European Energy
2015-11-23 11:51

Shunfeng International Clean Energy Limited (SFCE) signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Paris with CGN European Energy, a subsidiary of the China General Nuclear Power Group, only one week in advance of the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference (COP21). Both parties, eager to deliver solutions to counter global carbon emissions, pledge to cooperate closely on clean energy, including PV, energy storage, energy management, low-carbon energy saving solutions and hi-tech, and enhancing a win-win and sustainable strategic partnership.

"I am delighted to announce the strategic cooperative partnership with CGN European Energy," said Eric Luo, SFCE Executive Director and CEO. "Through strategic acquisitions and integration, SFCE is driving a business transition towards energy as a service, including clean energy production, as well as energy storage and management.”

China General Nuclear Power Group is an instrumental player in the energy industry, supervised by China's State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The strategic partnership will benefit SFCE as the company is committed to be the largest provider of integrated clean energy solutions combining PV manufacturing, PV power generating, EPC and O&M services as well as other low-carbon energy solutions. With the agreement, both parties can leverage their advantages for the clean energy sector, allowing complementary efforts and achieving a win-win, exploration and promotion of clean energy technology and applications.

" CEO. "Besides nuclear energy, we are actively involved overseas in clean energy, including mergers and acquisitions, development and construction, as well as O&M and asset management in renewable energy projects, including wind power and solar energy," says Lu Wei, CGN European Energy. “SFCE has advanced technologies and a rich experience in the clean energy sector, especially in PV power projects development and construction, energy storage, O&M services as well as low-carbon energy saving comprehensive solutions for customers. The cooperation is mutually beneficial, fully leveraging our capital, as well as our market and technology advantages in the clean energy sector. It is aimed at promoting large-scale clean energy applications in regions such as Europe, and facilitates the rapid development of clean energy around the world."

Tags:Europe green energy