sPower Awarded 68.8MW Solar PPA from Southern California Public Power Authority
2015-10-22 14:54

sPower won a 20-year PPA with Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) to provide 68.8MWdc (55MWac) of solar power. Participating member agencies are the cities of Azusa, Colton, Riverside and Vernon. The PPA springboards the second phase of sPower’s 330MW project.

The sPower Antelope DSR 1 and 2 facilities will be constructed on roughly 440 acres located in Lancaster, Calif., Los Angeles County. Construction is expected to begin mid-2016, with a commercial operations date in 2016. When fully operational, the facilities will cumulatively generate enough renewable energy for nearly 10,000 average homes.

sPower estimates a peak construction crew size of up to 160.

These projects are the third and fourth sPower-owned facilities with long term SCPPA PPAs. The previous PPAs were for 20MW projects, both of which are on track for 2016 CODs. sPower aims to build a 330MW flagship project, and the PPA awarded from SCPPA marks the beginning of the second-phase construction.

“We appreciate the collaborative relationship that has been built with SCPPA,” said Ryan Creamer, sPower’s CEO. “SCPPA is an exceptional organization to work with, balancing goal setting with flexibility -- without sacrificing schedule or budget milestones.”
