Japan’s METI Officially Announce the PV Feed-in Tariffs for Fiscal Year 2014
2014-03-27 17:25

After a week of feedback accumulation and evaluation, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced the decision of PV Feed-in Tariff (FiT) for fiscal year 2014 on March 27th.

The final version of PV FiT is the same with the previous draft announced on March 19 as following tables:

FiT for non-residential PV system (10kW~)

Fiscal Year



Feed-in Tariff (tax-excluded)

36 yen/kWh (20 years)

32 yen/kWh (20 years)

FiT for residential PV system (~10kW)

Fiscal Year



Feed-in Tariff (tax-excluded)

38 yen/kWh (10 years)

37 yen/kWh (10 years)

According to METI’s announcement, the taxation of power consumption in FY 2014 will be 0.75 yen/1kWh (the average power consumption of an ordinary Japanese family is 300kWh per month).

Aside from solar systems, METI also announced new FiT for offshore wind turbines and hydropower. It set offshore wind power FiT as 36 yen/kWh (tax-excluded) and hydropower FiT as 14~25 yen/kWh depending on different capacities.

METI’s official announcement: please click (Japanese website)
