Natural Power Helps UK Generate 2% Electricity by Wind Power
2014-01-21 13:24

During a record breaking month (December 2013) for wind energy generation, international renewable energy consultancy Natural Power managed the energy produced to power 1 in 50 homes in the UK - 2% of the UK’s total electricity generation.

Wind generation hit record breaking highs in December as wind power supplied enough electricity for the National Grid to power more than 5.7 million[note] homes (a total of 2,841,080 MWh of electricity) – supplying 10% of Britain’s total electricity demand.

Natural Power currently provide Asset Management services to over 2GW of the 10.5 GW  onshore and offshore installed capacity – 20% of the UK’s total wind capacity. Therefore, throughout the month of December, Natural Power was responsible for the management of 2% of electricity provision in the UK, on behalf of its Clients.

Natural Power’s Asset Management team currently manage 118 wind farms globally, including 13 in Ireland and 2 in North America, representing some 1197 turbines.

Commenting on this statement, Natural Power’s Director of Asset Management, Andy Howie said: “Natural Power are at the forefront of providing Asset Management services internationally. Managing 2% of the UK’s total electricity demand in such a triumphant month for the renewable energy sector is testament to our vision of being the No. 1 Asset Management provider globally.”

[note] Statistics refer to the amount of electricity monitored by National Grid – these figures were publicised by RenewableUK. UK Electricity consumption in December 2013 = 13,080,000 MWh. Average consumption per household in the month of December = 13,080,000/26.4 million households = 495 KWh per household.  2,841,080 MWh wind energy generated in December 2013/ 495 KWh consumption per household = 5,734,290 households.

Tags:wind power