DONG Energy : First Power from Anholt Offshore Wind Farm
2012-09-25 14:59

The first CO2-free power is now being fed into the Danish power grid from Anholt offshore wind farm. The first turbine in the farm was installed on Monday 3 September and today, just under three weeks later, the first turbine has exported power into the Danish power grid.

On its completion next year, the farm, with its total capacity of 400 MW, will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm and will deliver power equivalent to the consumption of 400,000 Danish households.

“We are on schedule and are therefore already now able to deliver the first green power to the Danes. Efficient project management is one of the reasons for our leadership position in the market for offshore wind energy. Wind power is at the very core of DONG Energy’s strategy and I am delighted that by achieving first power today we are providing a sound contribution towards maintaining Denmark’s leadership position in offshore wind,” says Christina Grumstrup Sørensen, Senior Vice President in DONG Energy Wind Power.

On 28 March 2011, PensionDanmark and PKA acquired a total of 50 per cent of Anholt offshore wind farm, making approx. 840,000 Danes co-owners of the offshore wind farm.

“As the return to our members is tied in with the generation of power, this is indeed a happy day. Since we put our signature to the agreement everything has been proceeding to plan and been managed professionally with DONG Energy as the operator of a strong industry of Danish subcontractors. Both the partnership and the offshore wind farm are model examples of Danish positions of strength,” says Torben Möger Pedersen, CEO of PensionDanmark.   

“At PKA we are proud to be part of Denmark’s largest clean source of energy, which is already providing Danish homes with green power. We invested in the offshore wind farm to earn money for our members’ pensions, but we also want to contribute to the drive towards a better global environment and assume social responsibility, and we are therefore particularly pleased that this project will create approx. 8,000 jobs,” says Michael Nellemann Pedersen, Chief Investment Officer at PKA.

Tags:Europe green energy , wind farm