Roughly 13 Percent More Wind Turbines Installed by Nordex in 2011
2012-01-31 15:32

Wind turbine manufacturer Nordex installed a total of 428 new wind power systems around the world in 2011, an increase of a good 13 percent over the previous year (2010: 378 turbines). This growth was dominated by multi-megawatt turbines, which accounted for 77 percent. Accordingly, the average capacity per turbine remained stable at 2.3 MW. All told, the new capacity installed by Nordex in 2011 came to around 970 MW (2010: 889 MW).

At 72 percent, Europe was Nordex’s most important regional market, with around 15 percent of turbine capacity installed in America and a further 13 percent in Asia. Within Europe, Turkey was the most important single market with new capacity of 170 MW.

At the same time, Nordex increased its capacity in its domestic German market by eleven percent. “We were unable to fully achieve our targets in Germany due to project postponements. However, I expect greater growth in 2012. This year, we will be benefiting in Germany from our amply filled order books and the projects postponed in 2011,” says Nordex CSO Lars Bondo Krogsgaard.

The greater number of turbines assembled in 2011 does not have any effect on the sales forecast for that fiscal year. Nordex will be publishing its consolidated financial statements for 2011 in March.
