Antonio Navarro, New Co-President of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF)
2011-10-11 9:05

The Deputy Director to the Presidency of Siliken and Vice President of the Spanish Photovoltaic Business Association (AEF), Antonio Navarro, has been appointed Co-President of the recently created Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF).The Federation arises from the necessity to represent the sector with one single voice to deal with government bodies and institutions.It represents the industry’s four major PV associations in Spain:The Photovoltaic Business Association (AEF), the National Association of Renewable Energy Producers (ANPER), the Photovoltaic Section of the Association of Renewable Energy Producers (Appa Fotovoltaica) and the Association of the Photovoltaic Industry (ASIF).

In his new function, Antonio Navarro will be in charge of defending the interests of the PV industry, while Rocío Hortigüela, President of ANPER and Co-President of UNEF, will be in charge of the PV producers.Antonio Navarro states that UNEF will intend to “gain better and greater support in defending the PV industry and to obtain legal security and regulatory stability from the Government”.

The recently appointed Co-President of the UNEF highlighted the importance of this union for the PV sector.“We have worked hard to create the PV industry.Today, Spain holds the entire value chain, which provides us with independence in terms of energy because here in Spain, production goes from silicon to the generation of electricity and, with the right incentive, we could be sector leaders worldwide,” Navarro added.

The Federation will be managed by a Steering Board made up of two members of each of the four associations.The objective is to merge the associations into one single body with new statutes that represent everyone within one year from its foundation.

Tags:Europe green energy