Renault-Nissan Alliance & the Mobility House Partner for Zero-emission Future
2011-01-26 9:35

The Renault-Nissan Alliance is developing a partnership with The Mobility House (TMH), an Austrian based electric mobility solutions provider, to promote zero-emission mobility in Austria and Switzerland.

Under a Memorandum of Understanding, the Renault Nissan Alliance and The Mobility House plan to offer electric vehicle customers a competitive e-mobility package through the respective Nissan and Renault EV dealers in those markets. The package will include the necessary infrastructure for charging an Alliance electric car and also the installation of such a unit. TMH will secure the electricity for the charging unit through its network of local utility providers.

In Austria, TMH will also provide customers with certification that the electricity from their charging unit is derived from renewable energy sources, making them eligible for electricity subsidies in that market.

"Our partnership with The Mobility House will give our EV customers in Austria and Switzerland a competitive one-stop solution at our dealerships for all their e-mobility needs, including domestic charging, installation by a certified technician, and electricity. This service will start with the award-winning Nissan LEAF, which arrives in Europe this year, the first in a series of 100% electric vehicles to be launched by the Alliance," said Nissan International SA's Pierre Loing, Vice President of Product Planning & Strategy and head of the company's zero emission business unit. Nissan International is Nissan's European headquarters based in Rolle, Switzerland.

Philippe Klein, Renault's Executive Vice President of Corporate Planning, Product Planning, Programs & Control, said: "We are confident that this partnership will help to accelerate the development of a mass market for electric vehicles in both countries. Customers there will have the opportunity to discover e-mobility with our first three electric vehicles, Fluence Z.E., Kangoo Z.E. and Twizy, starting in January 2012, followed by ZOE at the end of 2012."

"EV customers expect integrated electric mobility solutions. Our job is to develop, build and operate safe and convenient energy and infrastructure services at home and public. Together with our local utility partners, The Mobility House will provide seamless access to energy and energy-related services to all Renault and Nissan EV customers anywhere anytime," said Thomas Raffeiner, Founder and CEO of The Mobility House.

The Renault-Nissan Alliance:

The Renault-Nissan Alliance, formed in 1999, aims to be a global leader in zero-emission mobility. Thus far, the Alliance has entered into more than 90 partnerships with governments, municipal authorities and companies worldwide aimed at preparing the markets and infrastructure for the successful adoption of electric vehicles starting in 2011.

The Mobility House:

The Mobility House is a quickly expanding e-mobility solutions provider with operations in Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Building on their partnership model, they enable regional utilities to enter the market for electric mobility and to establish a product portfolio for their customers.

TMH's all-in e-mobility products include an electric vehicle, renewable energy as fuel, charging infrastructure and access to public charging stations as well as various services like fleet management and billing. Using its unique packages, everyone can easily enter the electric mobility area today thereby walking away from oil consuming solutions from the past.

Tags:Europe green energy