Texas Town's Waste Goes Green
2010-11-15 15:04

Lometa, Texasis a tiny town in a massive state. With 842 residents and one stoplight, it is not the first place one would expect to find investment in green technology. It is, however, on the forefront of it.

A national leader in wind power, Texas recently asserted its commitment to solar power with its statewide green initiatives. Lometa is an extension of that willingness to embrace green technology: it just unveiled a 100-kilowatt solar energy system that is expected to generate up to 100 percent of the electricity needed to power its wastewater facility. The project is expected to save the town thousands of dollars in energy costs each year.

The photovoltaic system– funded by a $488,714 grant from the Texas Department of Rural Affairs – will decrease electricity costs from about $17,500 to only $4,500. Officials anticipate that the panels will produce enough electricity to resell, earning the town money. According to TDRA executive director, Charlie Stone, the goal of the "Lometa project is to collect data that will help rural communities determine the affordability of installing" solar power systems to reduce energy costs.

Because of the initiative, residents are already considering investing in green technology in their homes and businesses. Perhaps the stop light will be next.

Tags:North America green energy