Wind Energy Offers A Bright Future In Coming Years
Wind energy, a type of renewable energy, is used to generate electric energy from kinetic energy. Wind turbine converts the.. [more]
2021-06-22 22:37
Taiwan Offshore Wind Industry Association Established to Create an Industry-Government-Academia Communication Platform
The Bureau of Energy, MOEA, is expected to announce the rules and site proposals for the third phase of offshore wind .. [more]
2021-03-23 17:30
South Korea Unfolds US$43 Billion Offshore Wind Power Project and Aims to Construct the Largest 8.2GW Wind Farm in the World
South Korea subtly accounts for 35% of global offshore wind farm projects, and has announced an investment of KRW 48.5 t.. [more]
2021-03-12 17:30
US Sees 70% of New Power Generation from Wind and Solar Energy, with Merely 16% from Gas-Fired Power Generation, in 2021
The US has always been a major country in carbon emission, and Trump had even emphasized on the revival of the coal indus.. [more]
2021-02-13 17:30
Wind Power Generation Surpassing Coal Firing for the First time in Texas during 2020 Signals Transformation in Strategic US Petrochemical Location
Texas, US, is not only a strategic location of petroleum and natural gas, but also the development core of wind power, and.. [more]
2021-01-27 2:30
South Korean Firm Enables Development of Wind Energy in Urban Areas with a New Design for VAWT
The deployment of conventional three-bladed horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) on land and sea continues to expand wor.. [more]
2020-12-16 2:30
Offshore Wind Power Supplier Rumored to Have Taken a Fancy to the Sea Area of the Three Northern Islands; MOEA: Development Application Not Yet Submitted
The coverage of media from several days ago had pointed out there has been a circulating rumor regarding an overseas offshor.. [more]
2020-12-12 2:30
Energy Taiwan Interview: As the largest EIA-approved offshore wind project after 2025, with capacity of up to 2GW, Formosa 3 eagerly awaits next round of offshore wind grid allocation
Taiwan’s offshore wind sector has entered a new chapter as Phase 3 of grid allocation, is scheduled to begin in 2021. Var.. [more]
2020-11-11 17:30