Musk Confirms Decision to Allow Access to Superchargers for Other Auto Manufacturers Within This Year
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has finally provided a clear response regarding when it would make its Superchargers available for.. [more]
2021-07-22 17:30
Musk Confirms Two Major Changes to the Cybertruck
Despite being announced over a year ago, the Tesla Cybertruck is still attracting a lot of attention within the industry.. [more]
2021-07-21 17:30
Model 3 Obtains Top Pick in Safety Certification Without a Radar Configuration in Second Test
Tesla, now adopted with Tesla Vision after the removal of its radar sensors, was revoked of multiple safety certifications.. [more]
2021-07-19 17:30
Production of Tesla Powerwall Falls Short of Demand Due to Chip Shortages
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has confirmed at a court hearing recently that his company will not be able to fulfill the current p.. [more]
2021-07-14 17:30
Tesla Model 3 Sees Record-High Plate Registrations in Taiwan with More Than 1,600 Vehicles in 2Q21
Although Taiwan’s development of EVs has lagged behind the global average, Tesla is still registering remarkable growth.. [more]
2021-07-12 17:30
Tesla Currently Coordinating with Other Auto Manufacturers to Allow Sharing of the Supercharger
Tesla is currently discussing the possibility of sharing its Supercharger with the electric vehicles of other automotive ma.. [more]
2021-07-08 17:30
Tesla Expects to Procure Over USD 1 Billion of Battery Materials from Australia Every Year
At a recent event hosted by the Minerals Council of Australia, Robyn Denholm, chairperson of Tesla, said her company pl.. [more]
2021-07-05 17:30
Tesla’s Model S Plaid, Supposed Fastest Car on the Planet, Officially Available for Sale
On June 11, Tesla officially began sales of the Model S Plaid. Musk indicated that this vehicle is the fastest acceler.. [more]
2021-06-22 19:21