PacifiCorp focuses on renewables with the addition of 5.628 GW of new solar power capacity
PacifiCorp has updated its 2021 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) that includes a major focus on renewables with the add.. [more]
2021-09-08 1:51
Iraq signed an agreement with TotalEnergies to build 1 GW solar park
On Sunday, the Iraqi government signed a $27 billion framework agreement with TotalEnergies who will build a 1 GW so.. [more]
2021-09-07 1:30
US Solar Exceeded 100GW amidst Major Impacts of Cost and Pandemic
According to the report of the Solar Energy Industries Association and Wood Mackenzie, the installed capacity of solar.. [more]
2021-07-07 17:30
Chile Established First Concentrated Solar Power in Latin America at 110MW with Successful Grid Connection
Cerro Dominador, the first concentrated solar power (CSP) in Latin America, is completed in Chile, and has an install.. [more]
2021-06-30 17:30
Algeria Will Commence 1GW Solar Tender Between June and July 2021
Algeria’s Ministry of Energy Transition and Renewable Energies has announced that the country’s long-awaited 1GW sol.. [more]
2021-05-31 17:30
Pristine Silicon Solar Cell Built by Nanostructure to Exceed 26% in Conversion Efficiency
Solar energy has become a relatively competitive source of power generation, though an improvement on the existing technolog.. [more]
2021-05-10 17:30
ESMC Urges an Allocation of EU€20 Billion to Cultivate for a Bounce Back in Local Solar Industry of Europe
The EU hopes to recover the economy from the slump that was derived under the COVID-19 pandemic through an EU€700 .. [more]
2021-05-04 17:30
US Sees 70% of New Power Generation from Wind and Solar Energy, with Merely 16% from Gas-Fired Power Generation, in 2021
The US has always been a major country in carbon emission, and Trump had even emphasized on the revival of the coal indus.. [more]
2021-02-13 17:30