Overseas Capacity Expansion Will Cause Moderate Price Slide Across PV Supply Chain in 2016: EnergyTrend
The downward revision of income tax credit for photovoltaic systems for next year in the U.S. has resulted in a gene.. [more]
2015-11-14 2:36
AD/CVD Ruling and Overseas Capacity Expansions Are Variables to the Current PV Boom: EnergyTrend
China’s National Reform and Development Commission has announced that there will be no significant reduction in feed-in .. [more]
2015-11-07 2:38
Solar Installations Boom in China, PV Cells and Modules Manufactured under Full Capacity
China, the world’s largest solar PV market, has been soaring solar installations since the beginning of the third quarter... [more]
2015-11-07 2:32
Energy Guard Uses Its O&M Expertise to Create New Risk Management Solutions for PV Power Plants
As one of the solutions to global warming, photovoltaic (PV) systems nonetheless are not immune to the destructive effects.. [more]
2015-10-22 1:05
A Flexible Dual-axis Solar Tracking System is able to Survive in Extreme Conditions
BIG SUN iPV Solar Tracker provides high reliability and high profit
During the typhoon season, strong winds often c.. [more]
2015-10-15 2:05
Heraeus to Showcase High Efficient Conductive Pastes at PV Taiwan 2015
Heraeus Photovoltaics will present the high efficient silver paste for PERC and N-type cells at the PV Taiwan 2015 a.. [more]
2015-10-13 2:19
Orders Flow into PV Sector as Government Initiatives Generate Strong Demand in China
Policy directives from the Chinese government continue to drive the country’s demand for photovoltaic (PV) systems. Chin.. [more]
2015-10-09 6:36
Solar Frontier to Deliver Additional CIS Modules to Home-NRG for the Netherlands
To meet strong demand in the Netherlands’ residential rooftop solar market, Solar Frontier signed to deliver 2MW of CI.. [more]
2015-10-06 23:18