Photovoltaic Industry Price Trend: G1 Cell Continues to Decline Steadily, and Module Quotations Once Again Elevated due to Increased Cost
The prices in the overall polysilicon market this week remain stable, where the prices in the domestic polysil.. [more]
2020-09-17 1:00
Total Inverter Shipment in Taiwan Once Again Sets Record High in 1H20, with Chinese Manufacturer Sungrow Making Its First Appearance in Top Three, Says TrendForce
The current progress of downstream PV system installation in Taiwan is considerably lagging behind the 2.2GW yearly inst.. [more]
2020-07-29 22:13
Huawei Hosts 2020 Europe Smart PV FusionSolar Day Online
In the beginning of July, Huawei hosted its 2020 Smart PV FusionSolar Day in Europe with 5 speakers and 5 panelist.. [more]
2020-07-22 20:00
EnergyTrend: The Price Report of PV Industry Supply Chain (July 6)
EnergyTrend, the Green Energy Research Division from TrendForce, has conducted an industry-wide price survey throughou.. [more]
2020-07-08 5:00
PV Comprising More Than 5% of Taiwan’s Total Generation at Noon Could Become Norm Thanks to Timely Completion of Solar Projects and Summer Weather
In the recent years, the government of Taiwan has introduced policies to gradually increase the portion of solar energy in .. [more]
2020-07-08 2:30
EnergyTrend: The Price Report of PV Industry Supply Chain (June 29)
EnergyTrend, the Green Energy Research Division from TrendForce, has conducted an industry-wide price survey throughou.. [more]
2020-07-01 5:00
Tesla Slashes Prices of Its Solar Panels by One-Third and Offers Seven-Day Trial Period in a Bid to Turn Around Its Home Solar Business
Tesla is offering what might be the cheapest rooftop PV systems in the US. The company announced on June 19 that it ha.. [more]
2020-06-25 21:30
EnergyTrend: The Price Report of PV Industry Supply Chain (June 15)
EnergyTrend, the Green Energy Research Division from TrendForce, has conducted an industry-wide price survey throughou.. [more]
2020-06-17 5:30