JLM Energy Introduces Transformational Energy Storage Technology
JLM Energy announced to launch its grid synergistic residential energy storage system, Energizr 200. It is the first pro.. [more]
2016-03-11 2:11
Hawaiian Electric Company & Greenlots to Test on EV Fast Charger with Energy Storage
Greenlots and Hawaiian Electric Company are working to show how an electric vehicle (EV) fast charger combined with ener.. [more]
2016-02-27 0:55
EDF Renewable Energy Set Operation of 40MW Battery Storage Project
EDF Renewable Energy (EDF RE) announced the commercial operation of McHenry Storage Project, EDF Group’s fi.. [more]
2016-02-26 1:20
SMA, Daimler, Partner for Sales of Energy Storage Solutions
SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA) is entering into a long-term sales partnership with Deutsche ACCUMOTIVE, a .. [more]
2016-02-05 2:25
Saft Supplies Advanced Lithium-Ion Energy Storage System to Champ de Mars in Port-au-Prince
Saft has delivered an advanced Lithium-ion Energy Storage System (ESS) to power lighting and Wi-Fi for the Champ de.. [more]
2016-01-27 0:25
Leclanché to Supply Large-scale Energy Storage Systems to North America
Continuing on its rapid growth path, Leclanché has been selected to deliver one of the largest Grid Ancillary Services p.. [more]
2016-01-23 2:22
Energy Storage Project in Southeastern Pennsylvania Helps Optimize Transportation Costs
A battery storage network, which captures and reuses the energy created by braking subway cars, will help Southeastern Pen.. [more]
2016-01-23 2:18
China Wind Farm to Utilize Maxwell Technologies’ Energy Storage Solution
Maxwell Technologies, Inc., a developer and manufacturer of ultracapacitor-based energy storage and power delivery products.. [more]
2016-01-21 1:00