EU ProSun Claims China Violates EU-China Solar Trade Agreement
Following U.S. Department of Commerce’s preliminary ruling in countervailing duty tariffs on certain Chinese PV produ.. [more]
2014-06-07 2:13
SolarWorld Applauds DOC’s Decision on Imports of Subsidized Chinese Solar Products
SolarWorld praised today’s preliminary decision by the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) to impose anti-subsidy.. [more]
2014-06-05 0:37
Taiwanese PV Manufacturers’ Careful Strategy Deployment to Keep up with Capacity Expansion Trend
EnergyTrend/Corrine Lin
Impacted by increased demand from China, Japan, USA, and UK, PV installation is likely t.. [more]
2014-06-03 18:30
PV Manufacturers Focus on Strategy Deployment as Downstream Market Demand Continues to Increase
Demand in the China’s Distributed PV market continues to increase, which caused manufacturers to come up with solutions .. [more]
2014-05-31 2:16
Promotion and Integration Are Necessary to China’s 8GW Target of Distributed PV Generation
At this year’s SNEC event, insiders from PV industry commonly held a negative opinion on China’s 8GW tar.. [more]
2014-05-31 1:14
U.S. Solar Industry Awaits Preliminary Ruling on Chinese Subsidies, says SolarWorld
U.S. solar manufacturing industry awaits the first ruling from the Department of Commerce (DOC) in new trade cases agai.. [more]
2014-05-29 23:44
[Update] India Plans to Impose Anti-Dumping Duties on products from China, USA, Taiwan and Malaysia, Local Solar Power Station Installation Costs to Rise
On May 22, India’s Ministry of Commerce & Industry issued a statement that it will impose anti-dumping duties.. [more]
2014-05-27 2:29
GCL New Energy to Build 4GW More PV Projects in China
GCL New Energy, an operational segment under the GCL-Poly, has signed cooperation agreements with three companies to .. [more]
2014-05-23 23:06