EU to Impose Duty Rates on Solar Glass Imported from China
Recently, the EU has confirmed that Chinese solar glass was dumped into Europe, and thusthe EUwill slap temporary duty .. [more]
2015-08-08 0:32
China Added 7.73GW of PV in First Half of 2015, Stats Show
China’s newly-added PV installation was 7.73GW in the first half of 2015, and 6.69GW of which were represented by grou.. [more]
2015-08-07 23:33
Motech Plans to Establish a New PV Cell Manufacturing Facility in China
Motech, one of the leaders of Taiwan PV industry, unveiled to invest RMB 211.1 million in establishing a new com.. [more]
2015-08-06 2:39
Daqo New Energy to Expand Production Capacity to 18,000 MT
Daqo New Energy announced its Phase 3A polysilicon manufacturing expansion project, aiming to increase polysilicon produc.. [more]
2015-08-06 0:56
China, USA and India Respectively Sets 100GW Solar Installation Goals
In the recent, China, India and the U.S. unveiled ambitious solar installation targets up to 100GW. China targe.. [more]
2015-08-01 1:24
Ming Yang Ranked Third in Newly Installed Wind Power Capacity in China in 1H 2015
China Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited ("Ming Yang" or the "Company"), a wind energy solution .. [more]
2015-08-01 0:16
Yingli to Develop a 50MW Solar Power Plant in China
Yingli announced on July 21st that its wholly owned subsidiary, Yingli Energy (China) Company Limited ("Yingli China".. [more]
2015-07-22 19:24
China and Taiwan PV Companies will Realize 4.5GW of PV Cell Capacity in 2015
The final ruling of U.S.’s review of 2012 anti-dumping and countervailing duties (AD/CVD) against certain Chinese P.. [more]
2015-07-18 2:30