Accenture and Partners Bring Micro-grid Solar System to South Africa
Accenture, the University of Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development (NDIGD) and The Rural Developm.. [more]
2016-07-15 23:15
Solarcentury to Help London Distillers Build Largest PV Rooftop in East Africa
London Distillers’ building in Athi River, Kenya will soon be powered by the sun. International solar company Solarcen.. [more]
2016-06-01 1:34
Risen Energy to Supply PV Modules to Africa
Risen Energy has unveiled its latest move into the global solar market. By partnering with Chemtech Solar, a branch of I.. [more]
2016-04-30 2:07
Tesla’s Solar Plus Energy Storage System Being Tested By Enel in South Africa
Enel Green Power SpA is introducing a version of Tesla Motors Inc.’s home-power kit to help South African retail cu.. [more]
2016-04-19 2:17
Azuri Launches Smart Solar Home System for Rural Africa
Azuri has announced HomeSmart™, a self-learning capability for its solar home systems. While conventional solar home syst.. [more]
2016-04-16 1:45
Panasonic Donates More Than 50,000 Solar Lanterns to Asia and Africa
Panasonic aims to donate 100 thousand solar lanterns to remote regions that have no access to power supply. The “100.. [more]
2016-03-30 1:18
Bokpoort CSP Plant Inaugurated for South Africa
Trade Ministers from South Africa and Saudi Arabia jointly inaugurated the Bokpoort Concentrated Solar Power .. [more]
2016-03-17 1:29
JA Solar to Build 86MW of PV Projects in South Africa
JA Solar has been awarded as the sole supplier for its Orange Solar Project which is to build an 86MW utility-scale so.. [more]
2016-02-24 2:26