AfricaPVSEC Announcement and News no. 1
2014-01-14 11:48
AfricaPVSEC Announcement and News no. 1
Call for Abstracts is open – Submit your Abstract by 15 January 2014

Dear Members of the Photovoltaic Solar Community,
From 27 to 29 March 2014, the first Africa Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition will take place in Durban, South Africa. Solar Photovoltaic Electricity is a key energy source to meet the rapidly growing energy demand in Africa, which can not be met by traditional sources alone.
On behalf of the Scientific Committee it is my honour and pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract with your latest scientific achievements and findings. To guarantee the scientific quality of the programme, each abstract is scored by three independent reviewers from the global PV community before the topic organisers select the presentations.
The first Africa PVSEC is organised in Durban, South Africa, and highlights the fact that there is not only a rapidly growing African scientific community in the area of Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation, but that the installation of solar photovoltaic electricity generation systems is accelerating in many African countries.
Africa PVSEC is aimed as an international platform to present and discuss the latest scientific results as well as to network amongst each other and enhance the visibility towards industrial and policy stakeholders. For this reason the conference programme has three main topics, which cover the wide spectrum of photovoltaics ranging from fundamental material research to business and policy assessments.
I am looking forward to meeting you in Durban to present, follow and discuss the latest trends and developments in photovoltaics.
Dr. Arnulf Jäger-Waldau
European Commission, DG JRC
AfricaPVSEC Technical Programme Chairman
Topic 1: PV Technologies, Cells, Modules, Systems
Materials studies for solar cells and modules, solar cell improvements and characterisation (all types of solar cells), PV modules, BOS components
Topic 2: Implementation (Technical) and Standardisation
PV system reliability and availability, stand-alone systems, mini-grids, grid integration of PV systems, standardisation as tool for trade, innovation and cost reduction
Topic 3: Enabling Environment (Economical)
PV business opportunities; Cost of PV systems in Africa, business models for mini-grids, PV in electricity markets, Financing PV in Africa, PV globalisation, enabling regulatory frameworks; policy developments
For more information:
Sinuo Sun
Tel. +39-055-500 21 74 ext. 204
Qun Wang
Tel. +86-21-642 76 991
Book your stand
Participate and benefit from the accelerating installation of solar photovoltaic electricity generation systems in many African countries.The AfricaPVSEC Exhibition is open to industries, international organisations, research structures and organisations, specialised advisory services and consultancy firms, donors and professionals involved in the various sectors of solar photovoltaic energy.