Solar Energy Expansion in Hawaii
By D.A. Barber
The abundant supply of sunshine throughout the Hawaiian Islands as well as new regulations and economic .. [more]
2012-03-01 2:13
EnergyTrend: Germany to Initiate New Subsidy Policy on March 9, Future Impact on Solar Market Uncertain
Beginning on March 9, a new subsidy policy will take effect in Germany. Key changes include progressive adjustment of subs.. [more]
2012-02-25 2:00
Global CPV Market
by D.A. Barber
Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) technology is proving to be less costly than current flat panel and .. [more]
2012-02-23 1:57
Japan’s Post-Fukushima Solar Solution
By D.A. Barber
Japan, the world’s third-largest economy, has historically been ahead of many countries in adopting resi.. [more]
2012-02-15 18:28
A Paint-Based Solution to Capturing Sunlight
By Dr Dino R Ponnampalam
There has been a considerable push to restructure the energy mix to favor non-finite energy res.. [more]
2012-02-14 23:48
Obama’s Solar Plan Targets the Western U.S.
By D. A. Barber
In his “State-of-the-Union” address presented to Congress on January 24, 2012, U.S. President.. [more]
2012-02-14 23:25
EnergyTrend: Taiwan Solar Companies’ Revenues in 12’Jan Differed Vastly; Rush Orders May Increase Revenues in 1Q12
The recently announced January 2012 revenues for Taiwanese solar companies, with the Chinese New Year holidays and no ap.. [more]
2012-02-11 1:43
EnergyTrend: 2012 Taiwan Feed-in Tariff Reduction Announced; Subsidy Policy and Installed Capacity in Europe and Asia Up in the Air
On February 7, 2012, Taiwan announced its feed-in tariff. According to a survey conducted by EnergyTrend, the green ener.. [more]
2012-02-10 19:20