Strong Chinese Market to Push Annual Global Photovoltaic Demand Above 100 Gigawatts for 2017
China will again take the leading share of the total annual photovoltaic (PV) demand worldwide in 2017, says the latest Go.. [more]
2017-09-14 22:08
China’s Cumulative PV Installations Could Reach 250GW by 2020
China has targeted installing 86.5GW PV capacity during 2017-2020 under the 13th Five-Year National Development Plan.. [more]
2017-08-01 23:27
EnergyTrend Anticipates Increasing Demand for Taiwanese PV Products This Third Quarter Following Latest Reviews of AD/CVD Rates
The U.S. has further lowered the antidumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) rates imposed on Chinese and Taiwanese sola.. [more]
2017-07-15 6:07
Prices of Lithium Battery Cells to Go Up in Second Half of 2017 Due to Seasonal Demand, EnergyTrend Reports
The global market for lithium batteries witnessed an average price increase of 15% to 25% for battery cells in the first half.. [more]
2017-07-11 2:36
PV Price Trends to Diverge Between China and Other Regions This Third Quarter as the U.S. Decides on Suniva’s Petition
The latest PV market analysis by EnergyTrend, a division of TrendForce anticipates falling prices across the sup.. [more]
2017-06-29 21:49
High Cost of Cobalt Pushes Up Prices of Lithium Batteries for IT Devices by More Than 15% Between First and Second Quarter
Compared against the average of the January to March period, prices of lithium batteries for IT devices have already rise.. [more]
2017-05-31 23:28
India to Overtake Japan as the World’s Third Largest Solar Market in 2017, Expects EnergyTrend
The global solar market has yet to show signs of turnaround after going through the turbulent 2016. The latest Gold Member.. [more]
2017-03-14 0:04
U.S. Caps AD Rate for Taiwan-Based Cell Suppliers at 4.2% According to Preliminary Result of 2014~2016 Solar Trade Case Review
The U.S. Department of Commerce that on March 1 announced changes to the antidumping duties (AD) that are imposed on.. [more]
2017-03-04 2:51