SMA’s New Grid Emulation Service Brings Hundreds of MW Online
On the heels of its successful operations and maintenance (O&M) launch, SMA has unveiled another exclusive utility-s.. [more]
2014-03-03 23:05
UCSF Collaborates with Verliant to Advance Waste Reclamation and Renewable Waste-Derived Energy
Verliant Sciences (Verliant), and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) have entered into a multi-year.. [more]
2014-03-03 21:21
JA Solar to Supply 7.8MW of High-Efficiency Full Square Mono Modules to British Solar Renewables
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. announced that it will supply 7.8MW of its high-efficiency full square mono solar modules .. [more]
2014-03-03 19:55
Trina Solar and ANU Jointly Develop High Efficiency Solar Cell
Researches from Trina Solar Limited, a provider of PV modules, solutions and services, and the Australian National Un.. [more]
2014-03-03 19:35
First Zero-Emission, Pure-Electric Bus Launches in India
The Karnataka State Minister of Transportation - Ramalinga Reddy, representatives from Bangalore Metropolitan Transp.. [more]
2014-03-03 19:10
REC Solar ASA to Expand Module Capacity to 1.3GW in Next Two Years
REC Solar ASA plans to expand its solar module capacity to 1GW in 2014 and a further 300MW in 2015 to meet the glob.. [more]
2014-02-28 0:05
IDTechEx Forecast Increasing Adoption of Wide Band Gap Power Semiconductors in EVs
Silicon semiconductor-based power electronics - which control or convert electrical energy into usable power – once transfor.. [more]
2014-02-27 21:57
AllSun Solar Trackers Help Recyclers Reduce Energy Costs
When Soiland Company, the North Bay’s largest recycler of rubble materials, saw their electric bills double overnight du.. [more]
2014-02-27 21:48