Energy Efficient Solar Panels to Power Kreider Farms' Chicken Houses
Committed to establishing earth-friendly farm practices for future generations, Lancaster County’s Kreider Farms is laun.. [more]
2014-04-17 0:08
Chairman and CEO Ki-Joon HONG Retires From Hanwha SolarOne
Hanwha SolarOne Co., Ltd., a top-10 global photovoltaic manufacturer of high-quality, cost-competitive solar modules, ann.. [more]
2014-04-16 18:40
SolarWorld signs supply agreement with PetersenDean, largest privately held U.S. roofing and solar company
SolarWorld, the largest U.S. solar manufacturer for nearly 40 years, and PetersenDean, the nation’s largest privately h.. [more]
2014-04-16 18:37
Array Technologies Commissions Four Solar Tracking Sites in California
The large solar tracking solutions company, Array Technologies, Inc. (ATI), and nationally recognized construction firm.. [more]
2014-04-16 18:25
China to Face Challenges from Wind Power Capacity Excess
The 13th World Wind Energy Conference was held on April 10th in Shanhai City, China, the world’s largest wind power .. [more]
2014-04-16 2:10
U.S. Senators Appeal for Negotiation With Chinese PV Industry
Seven U.S. senators have sent a letter to the Obama Administration this week to call for a settlement of the solar trade .. [more]
2014-04-16 0:08
Enphase Energy Expands Asia Pacific Operations
Enphase Energy reveals the major expansion of Asia Pacific operations, including the appointment of Nathan Dunn as manag.. [more]
2014-04-15 22:13
First Wind to Sell Power from Planned Solar Project to Hawaiian Electric
First Wind, an independent renewable energy company that operates four wind projects in Hawaii, and Hawaiian Electric Co.. [more]
2014-04-15 21:49