Solectria Renewables’ SMARTGRID Inverters to Power Projects Totaling 22MW in Massachusetts
On PV America, Innovative Engineering Solutions, Inc. (IESI) announced that it has chosen Solectria Renewables S.. [more]
2014-06-25 21:58
Toshiba to Supply Lithium-Titanate Battery for 2MW Energy Storage System Project in UK
Toshiba Corporation announced that it has been selected to provide the battery for the United Kingdom’s first 2MW scale.. [more]
2014-06-25 19:43
PV Project of Distinction Award Winners Announced at PV America
Back by popular demand, the Photovoltaic (PV) Project of Distinction Award was presented on 23rd, June by the Solar E.. [more]
2014-06-25 19:08
AllEarth Renewables Partners with 621 Energy to Provide AllSun Tracker to Local Customers
AllEarth Renewables forms a business partnership with 621 Energy, a Massachusetts-based installer, to provide AllSun T.. [more]
2014-06-25 18:52
China to Cut 1/3 of Taiwanese Orders and Starts Entering into the Japanese Market
Chinese PV industry has been facing serious challenges since the beginning of 2014, and the market change is now affecting .. [more]
2014-06-25 2:15
JA Solar to Begin Mass Production of PERCIUM Solar Cell with Conversion Efficiency Up to 20.4%
JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd., one of the world's largest manufacturers of high-performance solar power products, launched.. [more]
2014-06-25 1:43
Q CELLS and Martifer Solar Collaborate in 30 MW Module Supply
Hanwha Q CELLS, Europe’s largest PV provider headquartered in Germany, announced the supply of more than 42,000 mo.. [more]
2014-06-25 1:32
EDF Renewable Energy to Sell CID Solar Project
EDF Renewable Energy (EDF RE) announced that Dominion will acquire the CID Solar Project. The asset sale agre.. [more]
2014-06-25 1:20