Trina Solar Sold 10.6MW PV Power Plant in UK to Foresight Group
Trina Solar announced that it has signed a share purchase agreement to sell the company's 10.6MW PV power plant located .. [more]
2014-10-13 19:07
REC Completed 2MW Solar Project in Brattleboro, VT
Less than five months since breaking ground on a new 2 MW solar project in Brattleboro, VT., Winstanley Enterprises wa.. [more]
2014-10-10 2:22
ALEO Solar to Present New Module Suitable to Weak Light at Solar Energy UK
aleo solar GmbH will be unveiling its new 300 watt high-power module boasting improved weak light behavior at the So.. [more]
2014-10-09 20:26
Largest Solar Farm of Its Kind in North America Completed
AllEarth Renwables and Claire Solar Partners have together completed construction of a 2.2MW solar project in V.. [more]
2014-10-09 20:11
EDF Renewable Services Enters Into Balance of Plant Contract for Mesquite Creek Wind
EDF Renewable Services has entered into a Balance of Plant (BOP) contract with Sumitomo Corporation of Americas t.. [more]
2014-10-09 19:50
Sungrow to Release 3 New Inverters at Solar Power International
Sungrow, a large manufacturer of PV inverters, is releasing three new, UL listed inverters for the North American marke.. [more]
2014-10-09 19:37
New Solar Frontier CEO Addresses Innovation for Cool Earth Forum
Solar Frontier’s recently-appointed CEO, Atsuhiko Hirano, addressed international leaders in business, government and .. [more]
2014-10-09 19:15
Manulife to Provide C$51 Million in Construction and Term Financing to Canadian Solar
Canadian Solar Inc., one of the world's largest solar power companies, announced on October 8th that Manufacturer's Life.. [more]
2014-10-09 18:59