SunPower Updated Time of Third-Quarter 2014 Results Conference Call
Due to conflicts in executives' schedules, SunPower will now hold its third-quarter financial results conference call on W.. [more]
2014-10-15 21:45
SPI Solar Subsidiary to Offer EPC Service for 30MW PV Project in Inner Mongolia
SPI Solar’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Xinyu Xinwei New Energy Co., Ltd., has signed an engineering, procurement and .. [more]
2014-10-15 19:55
Trina Solar's Honey Mono-Si PV Module Set a 335.2W Power Output Record
Trina Solar announced that its high-efficiency Honey solar module has set a new world record for 335.2W peak power output .. [more]
2014-10-15 19:23
London's Red Phone Boxes Turns Green to Charge Mobiles
One of London's famous red telephone boxes has been painted green and transformed into a solar-powered charging station. Th.. [more]
2014-10-15 1:16
China Plans to Install 200GW of Wind and 100GW of Solar Power by 2020
A representative from China’s National Energy Administration (NEA) unveiled that the nation has already set a clarifi.. [more]
2014-10-15 1:09
EDF Renewable Energy Purchases 24.3 MW of Canadian Solar Modules
Canadian Solar and EDF Renewable Energy (EDF RE) has closed a PV module supply agreement for the 24.3MWp Cata.. [more]
2014-10-14 23:17
P&G Expands Sustainability Goals to Conserve Resources, Protect Environment
The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) plans to expand its sustainability goals to continue creating value wi.. [more]
2014-10-14 22:38
Mainstream Signed with Scottish Government to Build 450MW Offshore Wind Farm
Global wind and solar company Mainstream Renewable Power has received consent from the Scottish Ministers to build and o.. [more]
2014-10-14 22:24