Shanghai Subsidy Cuts for BYD New Energy Vehicles Results in Sales Plunge
BYD confirmed that subsidies of BYD new energy vehicles in Shanghai will be cut half to RMB 5,000 per car. This .. [more]
2016-08-02 1:46
Sunvapor Awards US’s SunShot Initiative for Green Solar Collector
Sunvapor announced that it is the recipient of a $2.2 million total cooperative award from the U. S. Department of Energy.. [more]
2016-08-02 1:19
Sony Announces to Transfer Battery Business
Sony is the world’s first company that successfully commercialized rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and appli.. [more]
2016-07-30 2:13
TBEA Signs MOU with Egypt for 1GW Power Plant Project
China’s TBEA has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Egyptian government on July 27th. The company.. [more]
2016-07-30 2:11
SUBWAY Donates Solar-powered Water System in Kenya
SUBWAY can do more than making sandwiches, and the restaurant proves it by launching a campaign to help alleviate the gl.. [more]
2016-07-30 1:47
JinkoSolar Signs Three PPAs for 188MW Projects in Mexico
JinkoSolar signed three power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission (Comision Fed.. [more]
2016-07-30 1:19
Duke Energy Renewables Operates 3,500MW of Wind and Solar in US
Duke Energy Renewables announced on July 28 that its control center now serves more than 3,500 megawatts of wind and solar.. [more]
2016-07-30 1:07
Solar Panels Burned at Taipei Water Department Highlights Importance of System Maintenance
Roof-top solar panels were burned at the Taipei Water Department at 2pm on July 27th. It was an autoignition. Temperatu.. [more]
2016-07-29 23:50