Motech and NSP Both Saw Revenue Declines in August
Within a sluggish market demand, Taiwanese solar power cell manufacturers all posted decline revenues in August. The two m.. [more]
2016-09-15 2:04
LG Showcases Innovative Cell and Module Technologies at SPI 2016
LG Electronics USA is displaying its innovative technologies for cells and modules at this year’s Solar P.. [more]
2016-09-15 1:36
aleo Starts 30MW PERC Cell Production, Initially
aleo Sunrise, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Germany-based solar manufacturer aleo that was acquired by Taiwan’s SA.. [more]
2016-09-15 0:47
Ampt’s DC Optimizers for Solar Selected by Canadian Solar and OMRON
Ampt, a developer of power conversion technology for PV system, was selected to supply its DC optimizers to Canadian So.. [more]
2016-09-15 0:25
Heraeus Photovoltaics Appoints New Global Head of Application Development
Heraeus Photovoltaics, the worldwide leading supplier of metallization solutions to the PV industry, today announced that .. [more]
2016-09-14 23:55
No Note 7! Dreamweaver Launches New Solution for Ultra-Safe Li-ion Batteries
Dreamweaver International and its manufacturing partner Glatfelter have brought their first separator for lithium io.. [more]
2016-09-14 23:32
ChargePoint Completes EV Express Charging Corridors on US Coasts
Electric vehicle (EV) drivers can now travel the most heavily-trafficked corridors on the East and West Coasts of.. [more]
2016-09-14 23:23
CATL Aims Battery Production Global Expansion for EVs
Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. (CATL), a Chinese company specializing in lithium-ion battery Research &.. [more]
2016-09-14 23:12