Recurrent Energy Signs 100MW Solar Power Purchase Agreement With MCE
Recurrent Energy, subsidiary of Canadian Solar, announced a 15-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 100 MWac of.. [more]
2016-09-29 22:51
SMASHsolar Introduces the World’s First Direct Attach Solar Modules
Residential photovoltaic module innovator, SMASHsolar, announces the US launch of SMASHmount, the world’s first .. [more]
2016-09-27 2:02
Solar Farm Developer Offers 5.5GW Pipeline of 20MW-80MW Size Solar Projects
The parent company of Solar Farms, LLC, (ISS), based in Asheville NC, is now developing approximately 10 Gigawatt.. [more]
2016-09-27 1:49
Verengo to Sell Majority of its Assets to Crius Energy Under Section 363 Of Chapter 11
Verengo, Inc. announced on September 23rd the proposed sale of substantially all of its assets to Crius Solar Fulfillmen.. [more]
2016-09-27 1:33
SunPower Solar and Storage Chosen for Colton Joint Unified School District
Colton Joint Unified School District (CJUSD) and SunPower are celebrating the upcoming construction of Su.. [more]
2016-09-27 1:17
Asia-Pacific wind turbine tower market will maintain global dominance, but fall significantly to $5.5 billion by 2020
Although the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is set to maintain its status as global leader of the wind turbine tower market.. [more]
2016-09-24 0:35
Toshiba Launches Low-input Current Drive, Rail-to-Rail Output Gate-drive Photocouplers
Toshiba Electronics Europe has introduced a series of low-input current drive, rail-to-rail output, gate-drive photocoupler.. [more]
2016-09-23 23:57
Asia Clean Capital, Ten K Solar Announce Exclusive Distribution Agreement for Chinese Market
Asia Clean Capital ("ACC") and Ten K Solar ("Ten K") announced earlier this week an ex.. [more]
2016-09-23 22:57