Africa Pushing Renewable Energy and Micro-grids
African nations have been pushing vigorously renewable energies, including PV power, wind power, and hydraulic power.. [more]
2018-09-12 18:14
Finnish and American Researchers Cut the Overall Cost of Solar Cells by 10.8% via Improved Black-Si Process
.. [more]
2018-09-12 18:00
GM Forced to Postpone Production Due to China’s Unqualified Electric Car Battery
China has introduced “dual credits” that require automakers to sell a certain proportion of electric vehicles. GM .. [more]
2018-09-11 18:39
Breakthrough Attained for Organic PV Cell
PV power marked a breakthrough recently, as Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) of S.. [more]
2018-09-11 18:07
Taiwan's Green Energy Capacity Shot Up in 1st Half
Thanks to cost reduction and government promotion, installation capacity of renewable energy topped 470,000 kilowatts .. [more]
2018-09-11 18:01
Smog Overshadows Outlook of PV Power
Smog is overshadowing the otherwise rosy outlook of PV power, as it could inflict loss amounting to hundreds of mill.. [more]
2018-09-06 17:27
Electric Vehicle Sales in Europe Breaks the Million Mark, with Norway Taking the Lead
According to EV volumes, the sales of electric vehicles (including pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electri.. [more]
2018-09-05 19:38
Delta Develops 400 kW High-Power Electric-Car Charger
Delta Electronics, provider of solution for power-supply management and heat dissipation, has obtained subsidy from .. [more]
2018-09-04 20:00