California to Establish Offshore Wind Farms with a Potential Capacity of 4.6GW in Two Waters
The 7 offshore wind farms planned by the US are located at the East Coast in Atlantic Ocean, and now new offshore wind.. [more]
2021-06-16 17:30
Maxwell Is Certified by ISFH for Achieving a New High in Conversion Efficiency of Mass-Produced HJT Cells
Suzhou Maxwell Technologies (Maxwell) announced on May 30 via a press release that the conversion efficiency rate of the .. [more]
2021-06-16 17:30
Trina Solar’s New Production Plant in Vietnam Enters Operation
Trina Solar’s new production plant in Thái Nguyên, Vietnam, officially entered operation and produced its first batch .. [more]
2021-06-16 17:30
Say Goodbye to Radar: Tesla’s FSD Self-Driving Software Will Go All-Vision in Two Weeks
In about two weeks’ time, Tesla will release the FSD beta v9, which, as has been recently planned, will feature a “pur.. [more]
2021-06-16 17:30
Tesla Taiwan’s Online Store Provides a Host of Services, Including Car Viewing, Aftersales Service, and Apparel Purchases
As the COVID-19 pandemic intensifies in Taiwan, Tesla’s Taiwan branch also released its official online store on Ju.. [more]
2021-06-15 19:46
China Sets Another World Record in Nuclear Fusion from 101 Seconds of Operation Under 120 Million ℃
The establishment of a power plant in Earth that is on par with the sun has been the common target for nuclear fusion scien.. [more]
2021-06-15 17:30
GCL Optoelectronic Material and SC-Solar Team Up to Develop Production of Tandem PV Cells
GCL Optoelectronic Materials and SC-Solar just signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly develop and promote.. [more]
2021-06-15 17:30
Fire at Amazon’s Warehouse Expected to Generate a Loss of US$500K
The fire incident that recently took place at an Amazon warehouse in Perryville, Maryland, may have been caused by the ro.. [more]
2021-06-15 17:30