Tesla Announces a US$1 Million Price Tag for Megapack
Tesla released the 3MWh grid-grade energy storage device Megapack in 2019, which ascended the company’s battery energy s.. [more]
2021-08-02 17:30
Greece to Announce Plan for 2.1GW of Solar and Wind Project Tenders That Will Continue to 2024
The Greek government stated that it will be allocating 2.1GW of renewable generation capacity over six tender rounds throu.. [more]
2021-08-02 17:30
ArcelorMittal’s Aims to Produce 1.6 Million Tons of Green Steel by 2025
Similar to the cement and petrochemical industries in a way that they are all essential to the maintenance of daily lives, t.. [more]
2021-08-02 17:30
BMW iX to Cost Less than Model X in Taiwan
The price of the brand new BEV flagship SUV iX of BMW in Taiwan was officially announced today. As a leading EU.. [more]
2021-07-30 17:30
LG Energy Solution Plans to Begin Mass Production for All-Solid-State Batteries in 2026
Park Jinyong, Asia marketing manager for LG Energy Solution, said that his company is currently developing a polymer li.. [more]
2021-07-30 17:30
ATW Plans to Raise RMB 550 Million for Developing Manufacturing Equipment for TOPCon Cells
Autowell (ATW), a Chinese provider of manufacturing equipment for PV products, has disclosed to Chinese news outlets t.. [more]
2021-07-29 17:30
Canada Bans Fossil-Fuel Vehicles and HEVs 5 Years In Advance to Accelerate Carbon Reduction
In order to construct a new economy that withstands climate change, the Government of Canada has announced that the countr.. [more]
2021-07-29 17:30
Form Energy’s Iron-Air Battery Becomes the Cheapest Storage Technology with a Cost 90% Less than Lithium Battery
The mysterious US startup Form Energy finally revealed the secret of its new battery, which is engineered with the iron-.. [more]
2021-07-28 21:55