JinkoSolar’s New 8GW Production Line for TOPCon Cells Enters Operation
Major Chinese PV product manufacturer JinkoSolar (also styled Jinko Solar) announced that its newly-built cell product.. [more]
2022-01-18 17:30
Japan to Replace China as TerraPower’s New Partner in Construction of New Gen Nuclear Plant
As pointed out by Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd will .. [more]
2022-01-18 17:30
Focusing on 5G and Internet of Vehicles, HPE Partners with NTU and NTUST to R&D Advanced Technology
HPE announced today that it will partner with National Taiwan University and National Taiwan University of Science a.. [more]
2022-01-18 17:30
Goodyear Launches First Electric Car Tires, Maintains Performance Yet More Wear-Resistant
Goodyear finally launched their first electric car tire, ElectricDrive GT, which is tailored to the characteristics of e.. [more]
2022-01-18 17:30
Future Optoelectronics, Producing Solar Panels on the Moon?
Solar panels are installed on many types of aerospace equipment to provide power for space exploration. For example, the re.. [more]
2022-01-17 17:30
Zero-Emission Eco-Friendly Ship Sails into Kaohsiung Port, Acer and Kaohsiung Government Learn Sustainability from the Sea
Acer and the Kaohsiung City Government jointly invited Dr. Gunter Pauli, creator of "The Blue Economy" philosophy, .. [more]
2022-01-17 17:30
Sailing Carbon Neutral Ships but Lacking Green Energy, Maersk Takes Advantage of Rising Freight Rates to Accelerate Investment
Global shipping giant, Maersk wants to take over logistics on land, sea, and air while moving towards green energy. (繼續閱.. [more]
2022-01-17 17:30
US Department of Energy Builds US$2.9 Billion Li-Ion Battery Supply Chain to Ensure Military Stamina
As part of Biden’s US$1.2 trillion infrastructure bill last year, the Department of Energy will invest US$2.91 billio.. [more]
2022-01-16 17:30