MEMC Completes Acquisition of U.S. Subsidiary of Fotowatio Renewable Ventures
MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. (NYSE: WFR) and its solar energy subsidiary, SunEdison, announced that it has .. [more]
2011-09-07 23:47
Neo Solar Power (NSP) Launched New High-Efficiency Mono-Crystalline Solar Cell “Black 19” at EU PVSEC in Germany
Neo Solar Power Corporation launched its new high-efficiency mono-crystalline solar cell Black19, which the company will.. [more]
2011-09-07 17:24
Genius Mashup: Building a Bigger Wind Turbine Using MRI Tech
GE makes a world of products using different materials and processes. But the same research innovations that make an airpla.. [more]
2011-09-07 0:58
Gamesa Installs Its GPA Maintenance Upgrade in Its French and Spanish Wind Farms
Gamesa has begun to market its new maintenance product, Gamesa Premium Availability, or GPA. The first units are to be.. [more]
2011-09-07 0:56
Linde and Schüco Sighed Partnership Contract of Thin-Film Silicon Photovoltaics (PV) Module to Reduces Plant Emissions
Linde Gases, a division of The Linde Group, announced the signing of a significant long-term supply contract with Schüc.. [more]
2011-09-07 0:54
Saft Delivers Advanced Battery Energy Storage Technologies for On-Grid and Off-Grid PV Projects
Saft, the designer and manufacturer of high-tech industrial batteries, is focusing on the key role that energy storage is now.. [more]
2011-09-07 0:50
Sunways Solar Inverters Certified for Further Countries
Sunways has successfully completed the solar inverter certification process for further countries. For the United Kingdom .. [more]
2011-09-07 0:46
Toyota Bets on Hybrid for Camry in Japan
Toyota Motor Corp unveiled a new Camry sedan for Japan, offering it only as a petrol-electric model to jump-start sluggis.. [more]
2011-09-07 0:44